
Non-Medical Advice: Maipha's coaching services are designed to provide support, guidance, and resources for mothers and families dealing with the challenges of raising children with learning disabilities and/or mental health issues. It is important for all clients to understand that our coaching is not a substitute for professional medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call emergency services immediately. Our services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Results Disclaimer: While Maipha is committed to providing high-quality coaching to help our clients achieve their personal and family goals, the effectiveness of any coaching effort depends on many factors, including the client's personal situation, background, dedication, engagement, and actions. As such, we cannot guarantee that all clients will achieve the same results. The success of personal development through coaching varies by individual and Maipha makes no promises regarding exact results. Results are influenced by many factors over which we have no control, and therefore, Maipha cannot take responsibility for any actions that clients choose to take as a result of our coaching.

Limitation of Liability: Maipha is not responsible for any personal decisions or actions taken by clients as a result of our coaching. We provide guidance and support based on our professional expertise, but all decisions made and actions taken are the sole responsibility of the client. We do not accept liability for any harm or loss which may arise from reliance on the content of our coaching or any assumptions that may be drawn from it.

Confidentiality Clause

Commitment to Privacy: Maipha is committed to maintaining the highest degree of confidentiality in the services provided to our clients. We understand the sensitive nature of the personal information shared during coaching sessions and are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy.

Scope of Confidentiality: All conversations, documentation, and information shared during the course of the coaching relationship between the client and Maipha will be treated as confidential. This includes but is not limited to personal data, session notes, and any communications related to the coaching process. No such information will be disclosed to a third party without the explicit consent of the client, except as required under applicable law.

Exceptions to Confidentiality: Confidentiality extends to all records and communications, but the following exceptions apply where Maipha is legally obligated to disclose information:

  • Legal Requirements: If required by law, such as in the case of a court order or other legal proceedings, Maipha may be compelled to release confidential information.

  • Threats to Safety: If there is a threat to the client’s safety or the safety of others, Maipha is required to take necessary steps to prevent harm, which may include disclosing information to the appropriate authorities.

  • Abuse or Neglect: If there are signs of abuse or neglect towards children, the elderly, or vulnerable adults, Maipha may be required to report this to the relevant authorities as mandated by law.

Protection of Confidential Information: Maipha employs appropriate administrative, technical, and physical measures to protect the confidentiality of your information and to ensure that it is not accessed or disclosed unlawfully.

Client's Responsibilities: While Maipha upholds confidentiality, clients are also responsible for maintaining the privacy of their coaching sessions. This includes securing any communications, documents, or materials related to their sessions.

Consent to Use of Information for Professional Development: With the client's permission, non-identifiable information may be used for professional case studies or training purposes, ensuring that all specific personal details remain confidential.

Incorporating client testimonials on your website is a powerful way to demonstrate the impact of your services and build trust with potential clients. However, it's crucial to set the right expectations and ensure ethical use of such testimonials. Here’s how you might articulate the use of testimonials in your Terms of Service or Privacy Policy:

Use of Testimonials

Authenticity and Consent: All testimonials displayed on our website are genuine experiences shared by actual clients of Maipha. We obtain explicit consent from each client before posting their testimonial. This consent includes permission to post their statements along with any accompanying names, images, or videos that they have agreed to share. Our clients have voluntarily provided these testimonials to express their personal experiences and outcomes as a result of our coaching services.

No Guarantee of Results: While testimonials are provided to represent the experiences of our clients, they are individual results and vary from person to person. Therefore, these testimonials should be seen as individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our services. However, they are not intended to guarantee or imply that all clients will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s treatment and results will depend on many factors, including their background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other variables.

Ethical Use: We are committed to presenting testimonials in a manner that is honest and not misleading. We do not edit or alter the content provided by clients in a way that would create unrealistic expectations in the minds of future clients. Our goal in publishing testimonials is to share authentic feedback and experiences without portraying them as guarantees.

Clients' Rights: Clients who provide testimonials can request at any time that their testimonial be updated or deleted if they feel it no longer reflects their view or if they wish to withdraw their testimonial for any reason.